If you need any clarification, have doubt or have better solution… Don’t forget to leave a comment.

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About the Author

Aloha, I'm Amit Ghosh, a web entrepreneur and avid blogger. Bitten by entrepreneurial bug, I got kicked out from college and ended up being millionaire and running a digital media company named Aeron7 headquartered at Lithuania.

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If you need any clarification, have doubt or have better solution… Don’t forget to leave a...

If you need any clarification, have doubt or have better solution… Don’t forget to leave a...

If you need any clarification, have doubt or have better solution… Don’t forget to leave a...

  1. Saptak Bhattacharya April 4, 2016 at 1:51 pm Reply

    Problem 9:-xi=1 implies that (n-1)=1 or n=2,but it is mentioned that n>=3…I think there will be no solution….if you consider none of the values to be equal….you get x1xn=x2xn-1=…..=1….plugging in,we have x1=xn,x2=xn-1,which are contradictions..hence all values must be equal..which again results in n=2..another contradiction…thus,no solution……I might be wrong,you have the license to laugh at me…..

  2. Aditya Narayan Sharma November 27, 2016 at 12:13 am Reply

    Hello Amit sir, I am aditya narayan sharma (a high school student) . I guess in Q7 the answer should be 4900 as it should be n(n+1)(2n+1)/6 , a tiny hand typo rather.

    • Amit Ghosh November 27, 2016 at 12:18 am Reply

      I am not sir brother :) Was a student like you once. You’re correct! But I’m too lazy to fix this now haha.

  3. aditya April 12, 2017 at 3:10 am Reply

    sir I think in qs n. 7 the limits shud be from 0 to 23 as (i,j)<=24 so smallst square can be of unit 1 . we can choose 23 such lengths . i may be wrong too so kindly clear this doubt

  4. aditya April 12, 2017 at 3:39 am Reply

    sorry i actually intended to write from 1 to 23

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